Using the navigation editor to add pages and links to a department's secondary navigation
- How do I navigate to the Navigation editor for a department?
While in the department for which you want to update the side navigation, click on the gear icon to the right of the department's name at the top of the browser window and select Edit Navigation.
To get to the navigation editor for a department while previewing the website. Navigate to one of the pages that is inside the department, click on the downfacing arrow in the black bar at the top, and select Edit Navigation. - How do add a page to the navigation?
Navigate to the Navigation Editor, click on Add Menu Item, and choose either Link (static page) or Module (dynamically created page). Fill out the Label field with how you would like it to read in the side navigation bar.
To link to a page, click on Browse Pages and either click on the plus sign to the right of the page that you would like to link to or click on Create Page to create a new page. A window will appear where you would enter the title of the page and then click on Create. You will be taken back to a list of pages where you will need to click on the plus side to the right of the page you just created. After selecting the page you want to link to, click Create, which will take you back to the Navigation Editor, where you would click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner. - How do add a module page to the navigation?
To create a page that pulls data from one of the modules in a department, click on the department's name in the upper left-hand corner and select Edit Navigation.
While in the Navigation Editor, click on Add Menu Item and choose Module. Fill out the Label field with how you would like it to read in the side navigation bar, select what module type the page should pull the data from, and finally, if the page should be hidden or not (by default, pages are not hidden). Click Create, which will take you back to the Navigation Editor, where you will need to click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner. - How do I remove an item in the Navigation Editor?
While in the Navigation Editor, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the item you would like to delete, and a menu appears where you will need to select Delete. This will remove the item from the department's navigation but does not delete the page itself. After removing the link remember to click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner. - How do I modify an item in the Navigation Editor?
To modify an item in the vertical navigation bar, navigate to the Navigation Editor for the department, click on the vertical line of three dots located to the right of the page title you would like to change, select Modify from the menu. From there, you will be able to edit the link of the element. Either associating it with another page, file, or external website. After modifying the link remember to click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner. - How do I add a child page?
While in the Navigation Editor, click on the vertical line of three dots located to the right of the page title you would like to add a child page to, select Add Child from the selection. From there, you will be able to link to pages that have been created, files, or external websites. Remember to enter what you would like to be displayed in the navigation in the Label field for the child page and finally click create. After creating the child page remember to click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner.
Note: Child pages are suitable for organizational purposes of pages that are similarly themed, such as; homework (for different sections like math, reading, etc.), agendas (for other school years), etc. They can be kept hidden, so they aren't shown in the navigation, but still linked to so they can be visited when needed.
Also, you cannot have child pages under links in the side navigation that go to PDFs, external sites, or pages that leave the current department.
- How do I change the order of a vertical navigation bar?
You can change the order of the items in a department's navigation while in the Navigation Editor by clicking on the up or down arrows located to the right of the page titles. After organizing the pages to how you would like, click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner. - How do I create a link, so it opens either a pdf or an external website?
- While in the Navigation Editor, click on Add Menu Item followed by Link.
- Fill out the Label field with what you would like it to read in the side navigation and then Browse Files if you would like to link to a file.
- Navigate to the file you would like to link to or upload the file from your computer.
- Select the file by clicking on the plus sign to the right of the file name. If it is an external website, enter the URL in the URL field.
While creating/editing the navigation element, click on the Advanced tab button in the top menu and change the target to New Window (_blank), followed by Create. You will be taken back to the Navigation Editor, where you will need to click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner.
- How do I unhide/hide a page?
To hide or unhide a hidden page, click on the page's title in the Navigation Editor, then click on the switch next to Hidden, changing it to green. Telling you it is hidden. To unhide a page, click on the Hidden selection, so it grays out, followed by Update. After hiding/unhiding pages, remember to click on the green Save in the upper right-hand corner.

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