Used to create and manage a rotating selection of "feature" images at the top of any page
This widget will display a series of photos with text, rotating in a loop from right to left. The slider comes with controls so a viewer can quickly flip through the available slides.
Recommendation - We recommend setting and keeping with a set height and width for the photos that are used in the Owl Slider. This will prevent elements below the widget from shifting up and down as the slides change.
How do I add this widget to a page?
- Click Edit Page
- Click either + Content or the Settings icon (down-facing caret) which will be located to the right of Edit where you will need to select either Insert above or Insert below
- Choose the Homepage Banner widget
- Click on the green + Slide button in the upper-right hand corner and enter the Heading and the image you would like to be displayed. Additional fields that can be filled out include;
- Alignment - Choose the alignment of the text
- Teaser - Enter any additional text you would like to be displayed on the slide.
- Button Label - If there is a button, enter the text for it in this field.
- Button URL - What should the button link to
- Button Target - When enabled, the link for the button will open in a new window.
- Repeat the previous step until you have your complete list
- When you are finished creating slides there are additional fields that can be found in the Settings tab, these will allow you to customize the widget. The fields and their descriptions are listed below.
- Transition Type - Select the transition between the slides by default it is Fade. The options available are; Default, Fade, Back Slide, Go Down and Fade Up.
- Transition Speed - You can customize how long the transition between slides should be, change by entering a number (in milliseconds) here.
- Navigation - By default visitors are allowed to manually flip through the slides, which you can turn off using this field.
- Pagination - By default visitors are shown the number of slides at the bottom of the widget, which you can turn off using this field.
- Pagination Numbers- By default visitors are shown the number of slides at the bottom of the widget, which you can turn off using this field.
- Pagination Speed- You can customize the length of time a slide is visible by entering a number (in milliseconds) here.
- Autoplay - Automatically play the slider. The default is on.
- Pause on hover - The default is on.
- Click on the green Create button and your Homepage Banner widget will show up on the page.
- Make sure to click either the Publish or the Save Draft option just as you would when you're editing pages.
How do I hide/show a slide that is in the list?
Hiding an item from being displayed by a Homepage Banner widget can be done quickly. Edit the widget and click on the switch to the right of the slide that you would like to hide, switching it to gray (hidden), and finally Update. To show an item that has been hidden, click on the switch to the right of the slide that you would like to show switching it to green (visible), and finally Update.
How do I change the order of the slides shown?
To change the order of how the slides are being displayed by the Homepage Banner widget. Edit the widget and click on the vertical directional arrow icon to the right of the slide you would like to move, choose either Move Up or Move Down and finally, Update when you are done.
How do I remove a slide from being displayed?
To remove an item from being displayed by the Homepage Banner widget. Edit the widget and click on the trash icon to the right of the slide you would like to remove followed by Update.
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