This widget will display the information listed in a person's profile.
Works in conjunction with the People module to display specific information (name, abstract, or links) from a person's profile on a page.
How do I add this widget to a page?
- Click Edit Page
- Click either + Content or the Settings icon (down-facing caret) to the right of Edit, where you will need to select either Insert above or Insert below.
- Choose the Profile Card widget.
- At a minimum, select the Profile that you want to be displayed.
- Enable Show Abstract if you would like the abstract of the profile to be displayed. The default is off.
- Finally, click on Show Links if you want the links entered for the selected profile to be displayed. The default is off.
- After you've configured your options, click the green Create button.
- Your Profile Card widget will show up on the page.
- Make sure to click either the Publish or the Save Draft option just as you would when you're editing pages.
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