Similar to Shared Content but the content displayed can change department by department.
This widget should only be used in the website theme pages and works dynamically with the Shared Content module. Like the Shared Content widget, the Shared Content Dynamic widget allows you to place shared content on the website's theme pages. Unlike the Shared Content widget, whose content is set to a specific shared content, the Shared Content Dynamic widget is set to a name specified in the widget. This allows the widget to change what is shown on a page by the department in which the page is located, displaying the shared content in that department whose name matches what is set in the widget. Typical publishers will not have to use this widget.
SchoolStatusTip - Place the shared content that will be replaced in the site's root directory and use it as a base to create the shared content that you want to replace it with in the departments you would like the shared content to change in. We also recommend keeping the new shared content's name the same as the original one, making it easier to identify and set up.
How do I add this widget to a page?
- Click Edit Page
- Click either + Content or the Settings icon (down-facing caret) to the right of Edit where you will need to select either Insert above or Insert below.
- Choose the Shared Content Dynamic widget.
- After updating the settings for the widget, which you can find listed below with descriptions of each, click the green Create button.
Name- The name of the shared content that should be displayed on a page.
Inheritance - If the widget cannot find shared content in a sub-department that matches the name entered, should the widget continue to check in the parent departments?
Fallback - This is the shared content that will be shown if no shared content is found matching the name that was entered. If nothing is entered an empty container will be displayed when no shared content matching the name is located.
- Your Shared Content Dynamic widget will show up on the page.
- Make sure to click either the Publish or the Save Draft option just as you would when you're editing pages.
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