Schools make a clear distinction between an urgent/emergency or general messages!
The urgency in which each message is sent is very important. It not only ensures the community takes communications from the school seriously, but also keeps the school in compliance with rules set by the FCC.
Most of the messages schools send out of the message center will be general messages. When you send messages as general, the system acknowledges the preferences that users have set in their personal settings.
Users set the way they prefer to be contacted by the school in the public user portal. The message center will handle sending out messages based on each users preferences.
Each user contact can have one phone number and one email address. Contact information is synchronized to the message center from the school's Student Information System (SIS). If the phone number is a mobile phone, users can choose to receive notifications via SMS/text too.
Let’s look at the difference between Urgent and General messages.
Urgent/Emergency Messages
This is the fastest way to get a message out to everyone. The message will be sent out as an email, text, or voice message and a push notification to the app if applicable. Sending out a voice message is only an option for Urgent messages. Urgent messages are sent to all phone numbers and email addresses in the portal. For phone numbers, the message is delivered via text OR voice message based on the users setting.. This is why it is important for the school to truly make sure the message is an emergency before selecting this type of communication.
Urgent/Emergency message examples:
- Weather emergency such as school closing or delays
- School lockdowns
- Health and Safety Information
- Schedule change
General Messages
General messages are more common and sent out more frequently. They acknowledge the preferences set by the users and can go out as text, email, website and app alerts, and optionally to the schools social networks.
NOTE: Users email addresses are automatically subscribed to general messages and they can opt out at any time via the school portal. Users phone numbers are NOT automatically subscribed to general messages, but they can opt in at any time via the school portal. If someone says they are not getting general messages to their phone, see how to fix. The FCC prohibits the school, or anyone, to opt-in phone numbers to non-urgent communications without the owners consent. Such opt-in MUST be done by the owner of the phone number.
General broadcast examples:
- Daily announcements and newsletter
- School fundraisers
- After school activities
- Sports announcements
- District/school policies
- Levy support
Summary of Urgent vs. General Messages
Use the diagram below to better understand the differences between an Urgent and General message.
Sends to: REQUIRED, Regardless of User Prefs
Sends to: OPTIONAL, Acknowledges User Prefs
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