Open your site to those who may not speak English
This widget helps translate the page that is currently being viewed to a language chosen by the viewer. While it does translate the page to the best of its abilities, Google Translate will not translate pdf, documents, and text in images.
Typically this widget is placed in the outer templates, so it is available sitewide.
How do I add this widget to a page?
- Click Edit Page
- Click either + Content or the Settings icon (down-facing caret) to the right of Edit, where you will need to select either Insert above or Insert below.
- Choose the Google Translate widget.
- Select the languages that a visitor can choose from. If nothing is selected, all of the languages in the list will be available.
- If you have a Google Analytics code, you will enter it into the Google Analytics field.
- When done, click on the green Create button, and your Google Translate widget will show up on the page.
- Make sure to click either the Publish or the Save Draft option just as you would when you're editing pages.
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