Allows you to place third-party iframe code onto a page easily.
Use this widget to paste common share snippets provided by third-party tools. <iframe> is a common share snippet as well as most snippets generated by YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
How do I add this widget to a page?
- Click Edit Page
- Click either + Content or the Settings icon (down-facing caret) which will be located to the right of Edit where you will need to select either Insert above or Insert below
- Choose HTML Source Widget.
- After pasting the snippet of code that you received from the third-party, click the green Create button
- Your HTML Source widget will show up on the page.
- Make sure to click either the Publish or the Save Draft option just as you would when you're editing pages.
Additional Articles
- Embed a WuFoo or Machform on your website
- How do I create an interactive Google map for my SchoolStatus site?
- Instructions from Twitter, how to get the necessary snippet of code to embed a Twitter Timeline
- Instructions from Google on how to create the embed code for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms
- Instructions from Microsoft, how to get the necessary snippet of code to embed a PowerPoint presentation
- A video from VidGrid on how to embed a video hosted on their service
- Instructions from Digital Inspiration that reviews how to embed MP3 audio files In web pages with the help of Google Drive
- Where you can get the code to embed your Facebook feed on your site, please remember to copy the iFrame code found under Get Code to paste into the HTML Source widget
- Instructions from Microsoft on how to get the code to embed an Excel spreadsheet
- Instructions from Smore on how to find the embed code to embed a Smore newsletter.
- What are Embeds on Instagram and how can I embed an Instagram post or profile?
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